Friday, October 2, 2009


Ashlyn 8 month

Quincy 7 month


Whitney Jo said...

Oh he is adorable! They really do look alike! I love his big blue eyes, he looks surprised in the pictures! So stinkin' cute!

Melinda & Emily said...

Crazy! Jenny, your kids are clones of each other!!! Luckily they're pretty darn cute ones.

Brandy said...

Ohhhh! How cute it he...or she...I mean he! He has amazing blue eyes. I can't believe how big he is getting.

James and I were just talking tonight about the Kennett's awesome halloween costumes last year and how we might want to steal the idea! I can't believe it has been a year already.

Jennifer B said...

Wow they really do look so alike. Paris has a friend here that is named Ashlin. She told the little girl that she already had a friend named Ashlyn but she could be her second best Ashlin friend. =) Hope all is well.