Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hiking to Taylor Lake

Last minute I decide to fly to my parents house with Ashlyn and visit for 10 days. We had a lot of fun hanging out, working in the yard/house and playing. Ashlyn just loves it there because she has total freedom there. They live in the country and she loves going from my parents house to Grandma T's house(my grandparents house which live just down the road).
On Saturday we went hiking to Taylor Lake. Ash loved it because Jordan and Jarom let her fish with them. It was just beautiful there!!

Ashlyn fishing with Jordan.

Jarom showing off his fish.

Ashlyn helping to carry the fishing pole.

Dad, Mom and Ashlyn

Halloween came early!!

This is a picture of my dad wearing a mask that Ashlyn has been scared of for a couple of years. She wasn't as scared and even laughed about it this time.

Ok, now this picture just makes me laugh. Where my parents live it gets really cold at night but was still in the high 80's and low 90's. And because it gets so cold at night my moms pool on the top was only 68 degrees and Ashlyn was determined to swim even if it was freezing. So my mom and I decided to let her just try it out and surely would she really get in? So she stood on the ladder for 10 or 15 mins and kept saying, "WOW it's cold!" Next thing I know is she is standing on the deck saying, "I think I'm going to just jump in." She counts to 3 and jumps in and swims straight to the ladder and looks shocked. My mom and I laugh and could not believe our little dare devil!!