Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mesa Temple

A while back we went to Scottsdale for the weekend. We went just for fun and to have one last getaway before I couldn't travel any longer. Neither Mike or I had ever been there so we thought we would try somewhere new. It was a really nice weekend and very chill! Here are a few pictures of the temple. It was so beautiful!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hiking in Vegas

We went hiking at Red Rock a couple weekends ago. The weather was beautiful and we couldn't let the opportunity pass us by. Since I was almost 8 months pregnant we decided to keep it low key but had a great time. Mike and Ashlyn hiked up higher and even climbed the rocks which Ashlyn thought was so cool. We love living in Vegas, especially this time of year! :)

This is how I feel about pictures right now(at 8months pregnant)!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday part 2

The next day we celebrated Mike's birthday with Ashlyn. She was dying to help him open his presents and of course help him blow out the candles.
Ash and I are so lucky to have Mike in our lives. He is the best dad any little kid could ask for and the best husband any girl could have. Thanks so much Mike for all you do for us!! We love you!

Wow! How old are you?!

Ash helping daddy open his presents.

Acting surprised with the Ipod he bought himself!

Happy Birthday Mike & Happy New Years!

This year for Mike's birthday we decided to go out with some friends. We usually are visiting family and just end up staying home to celebrate but this year we decided to go out and we had a blast. It was also New Years eve so we decided to make it one big party! We went to eat at a nice Mexican restaurant call Agave and then went to our friend Krista's house for the after party. We are so grateful for all the awesome friends we have made here in Vegas!

John and Lindsay(sister)

Ashley and I

Mike and I enjoying some chips and Guacamole!

Mike blowing out the candle.

Ashlyn's 4th Birthday!

Yes I know....some of you are thinking, "wasn't Ashlyn's birthday almost a month ago?!" Well, yes it was and yes I've been in a blogging slump because I have really been getting into Face book and spending my time there instead.

Here are a few pictures from Ashlyn's birthday. We decided to keep it low key this year and not really plan a birthday party because that time of year is so busy and everyone is out of town or busy with family. So we invited a couple of friends over and Grandma and Grandpa Kennett came down from St. George for the evening. We went to dinner at Red Robin and then had a birthday party afterwords. Thanks Gram and Gramp's for coming down for my birthday!

I can't believe she is already 4 years old. We are so lucky to have her in our life and thank Heavenly Father everyday for blessing us with such a beautiful little girl.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sister's are the best!

My sisters Kayleen and Laurel and their families came for Christmas. We had so much fun and even got the go out on a group date with our husbands and no kids. We went to a place called the Geisha House and then to a late night movie. For those of you that don't know, I have 5 sisters and we are all really close. I am so thankful to have such awesome sisters and don't know what I would do without them.(Also my sister Lindsay lives with us and I forgot to mention that she spent Christmas with us too!)

Kay, Lindsay, Me and Laurel!

Back in August on Laurel's b-day!
All my sisters at our first ever family reunion this past year.
Also my sister-in-law Jen!
Adriel, Lindsay, Noelle, Me, Kay and Laurel.
March 2008 at my nephew's baptism!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Recital

Well, we are getting back into the swing of things since the holidays and are now playing catch up with my blogging. Here are some pictures of Ashlyn's Christmas ballet recital. It was so much fun to watch her this year. I'm not sure how much better she was is year compared to last but she sure enjoys getting on that stage to perform. We are so proud of her and the growth she has made this last year. We really are lucky to have her in our life!