Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh, what to do with the cooler weather?!

You have to love Vegas this time of year! The weather has been so awesome. This is what we look forward to all year long, the cooler weather. Ashlyn is getting really good at riding her bike and now begs to go on bike rides. Mike was working on our car and I am getting "large and in charge," so Aunt Lindsay took her. Thanks Lindz!! I can't believe how fast they grow up and turn into "big" girls!!


Tam said...

oh my goodness. I didn't know you lived in Vegas. We are going there for Thanksgiving this year. We have a time share and have to use it. We'll be there 5 whole days. Maybe we'll run into each other. HAHA! I say that like it's the size of Etna where you can't help but run into people. Anyway, hope we do run into eachother.

Andrea said...

I love that it's still 80 degrees in November! It's so nice that Ashlyn has Lindsay to play with, what an awesome aunt!