Monday, March 3, 2008

Ashlyn with Grandma Kennett's bird Louis. We stayed the night in St. George on the way up to my sisters house. Ash loves going to Grandpa & Grandma Kennett's because they have a bird, a dog and lots of cats. I'm not really an animal lover so she's out of luck here.... sorry Ash, but thanks grandma Vickie!!


Lyndee said...

Our little Ash is so big, She is growing up more everytime I see her picture. Thier is something about G-ma Kennett's bird Lou. Kyler loves that bird. And the dog and cats.

Athack77 said...

She's beautiful. I'm surprised to hear you're not big on pets. Don't you want a dog whacking you and the kids with a tail, a cat licking you to death and getting hair every where and bird that squaks and won't shut up? Well, me neither! I've got 5 kids and I figure that's more than enough to clean up after and have hanging on me! :o)

Amber S. said...

Maylee loves Lou! Ashlyn is getting so big I cant believe it! Maylee always talks about playing with Ash. We need to all get together soon.