Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tacky Sweater Brunch

Ok......... now this is so funny. Our friends invited us to a Tacky Sweater Christmas brunch right before Christmas. We made it out of duct tape and Christmas scrapbooking stamps and the bow was like the cherry on the sundae. As we were making it the night before and Mike was worried he wouldn't be able to take it off and so what did I tell him, "than you will just have to sleep with it on." Let just say, it was a ruff night but worth first prize!!


Wilcox Crew said...

Haha! That's priceless!! In the picture, he looks like he has the angel on his head! We are blessing Kendal on Sunday. My parents and Amy will be here if you guys want to come. Church is at 9:00 - Clayton/Washburn building. We will do lunch after.

Lyndee said...

That is so funny! Mike is such a great sport. Congrats on winning first prize. Did he really sleep in it?

Jenkins Family said...

Wow, where do we get one of those? Chris would look awesome in that bad boy. Also looks right up his alley in cost. Ha Ha.